Until this year, Liam didn't really "get" Halloween. But, boy, the times have changed! On Tuesday he kept reminding me that it was "one more day until Halloween" and on Wednesday, whenever I called him Liam, he corrected me and said, "Mom! I'm not Liam! I'm the Big Gardener!"
Yesterday, by 9 pm, I was Halloweened out! I had been going strong with Halloween activities since the early AM. To start the day off with fun and excitement, Liam and I made orange pancakes with chocolate sprinkles.
Silly pancake making face
The finished product
I then spent the morning cooking mac n' cheese for 30 kids for Liam's class party. I didn't get a picture, but it was a crap load of mac n' cheese.
The Halloween parade was pretty darn cute, but I had to fight through the crowd of parents to snap my shot.
Liam chowed down big time at the class party. And he was such a little gentleman at the table saying "please" and "thank you." Two parents came up to me and complimented me on how well behaved Liam was. I was thinking if they only knew the other side they'd think otherwise!
Marlo even had a great time! She met a baby Hulk and was quite smitten with him!
Baby Hulk, on the other hand, was a bit timid.
Liam was getting a bit antsy around 5 pm. It was still too early to trick-or-treat, but the anticipation was building. At 6 we went out and met some our neighbors. Our block was such a wonderful place for Liam to spend Halloween. He was darting back and forth from one friend's house to the next. One of our neighbors cooked chili and made cornbread so I didn't even have to cook dinner! The streets were bustling with happy children. It was straight out of a story book.
My mother-in-law came down to help me with the kids so she stayed at the house to pass out candy while Joe and I took Liam with a group of his friends from house to house. We quit after an hour. Liam could have gone on for much longer, but I was pooped! But Liam even had a great time when we were inside and handing out candy. He was in heaven!
I guess the chaos of Halloween has officially started! No longer can I put Liam in a costume and sip wine at home.
Here are a few more pics!
Marlo and her best gal-pal, Baby Gaby - of course Gaby was a Flower and Marlo was a Bee.
Liam at the school parade.
Marlo asleep at the school parade - her legs in those yellow tights got a LOT of attention!
One last picture of my cutie in his John Deere Gardening Costume!