Turns out my girl has an awful ear infection (her first) and has RSV. Poor thing has to be put on this breathing machine four times a day. I just know she was miserable on our flight and feel so bad that I didn't see this coming. Liam got sick for a couple of days over vacation and she must have caught something from him - it seems impossible to keep his germs away from her.
On top of this, Marlo is going to be seeing a pediatric physical therapist for gross motor delay. She is still not rolling over and this concerns her doctor. Her doctor isn't worried that she isn't crawling, but says most babies can at least roll over at this point. Additionally, I mentioned that Marlo uses her left hand 9 out of 10 times. If a toy is placed on her right side she will reach over her body with her left hand to get the toy. The doctor said that she is either a lefty or is just favoring the left hand for now. I know everything will be fine with Marlo. I'm sure the P.T. will teach me some things I can work on with her that will get her rolling all over the place. But it is never easy to hear your child is delayed.
I also know that Marlo is just a very easy going and content baby. I remember Liam would get really frustrated when he couldn't reach a toy and he learned to crawl at 6 months and hasn't stopped moving since then. But Marlo is very different. If she can't reach a toy she'll just move on to something else - clap her hands or look around for Liam and laugh at him. But, of course, I am over thinking everything and wondering if I dropped the ball at some point. I mean, Marlo is such an easy baby. And it's been pretty awesome that she hasn't been on the move - makes my job a LOT easier. Either way, better to be safe than sorry. We see the P.T. on Monday and I'll report back with more news.
Here are a couple of pics from the doctor's office.
Marlo practicing "So Big."
Marlo going to town on the sanitary paper table cover.
Okay, not taken at the doctor's office, but I had to show off these ADORABLE leg warmers!!!
I'm hoping to post pictures from our vacation by the end of this week and give a little summary of our adventures!!! Happy Halloween's Eve!