Friday, February 15, 2013

They're mine again!! (My boobs, that is)

Well, Marlo is down to one feeding a day, the before bedtime feed.  So, my boobs are officially, almost, mine again!  Yes!!!!! I know how wonderful breast feeding is, but, man, when your baby doesn't even take a bottle, nursing gets old, really, really fast.  Not to mention that the breast feeding gods really wanted to give me the run around - breast infections, thrush (like 10 times!!!!), lacerations because I had a baby who just wanted more all the time, etc.

I'm sure Joe will be pleased as well since I will be retracting the "no touching my boobs" rule that I enforced a while back.  I know it may seem cruel, but  I had to do it.  When your boobs are accessed all night like a 7 Eleven, the thought of having anyone else touch them, even in an intimate moment is analogous to rubbing your eyes after chopping up and handling a jalapeno.  The best part of this story is when I enforced this rule, Joe was puzzled, and said, "I don't get it.  When you were nursing Liam you let me touch your boobs."  To which I responded, "Of course I let you! I was trying to get you to marry me! Duh?" 

I just love being able to wear regular bras and not have to limit my outfit to "nursing friendly" apparel.  I'm not sure when we'll end our last feeding.  I'm not in any hurry to get rid of it.  It's a nice way to end the day and who doesn't love that milk drunk look?!

My apologies for making this entire post about my boobs, but so you have it.

1 comment:

  1. My boobs are just gearing up for another journey. Congrats on yours winding down.
