This weekend I applied for a part time job. I know, nuts, right?! Who wants to hire a pregnant lady with a 3 and 1 year old at home? Hmmmm....
Well, there is a cloth diapering and breastfeeding store near us called Rosie Posie Baby and they're looking for some part-time hours to be covered - the shifts can be as short as 3 hours. I think this might be really fun for me! I mean, I couldn't work more than maybe 6 hours a week, but I think I would so enjoy something like this. I'm obsessed with CDing and have add my fair share of breastfeeding experience so I think I'd be great in a place like this.
I also think that having something in my schedule that is just dedicated to me would be fantastic. After hearing the good news from my OBGYN that all is good with baby, I feel like I can commit to some things. Maybe go to yoga regularly or work for 3-6 hours a week? Who knows...
I just saw the job opening on their FB page and I got really excited. And the gals who work there fulltime get to bring their kids along with them. I'm not looking for a fulltime job or anything, but I love a place that is open and welcoming to kids being with their mamas at work.
And this would be a job that I wouldn't take home with me. It would just be for fun. I've thought about getting a job at Williams Sonoma or Pottery Barn just to get the discount and to get out of the house for a few hours.
Why not? Submitting the application can't hurt!
You could open an IRA!