Friday, June 29, 2012

F-this dance recital

Joe and I often laugh about how liberating it would be to act like a three year old.  When Liam is pissed about something he’ll scream, kick his feet, and stomp around.  On his worst days there's not even stomping - just Homer Simpson-like donut spins on the floor.…if only adults could react that way.  Granted if adults did act that way I’m sure the world would be a much scarier place, but still – don’t you feel like screaming and stomping around when you’re having a bad day and not caring about who sees you act this way? 

                There is something wonderful about the “F-this , I’m going to do it my way” mentality of a three year old that is just totally awesome!  Liam puts this attitude to practice at his first dance recital.  He’s been in the dance class at his preschool since January.  The end of the year performance is where the kids get to perform their choreographed dance for the parents.  According to Miss Melissa, the dance teacher, Liam knew all the steps.

This is how the performance started out…(see video clip) you can spot Liam in the middle, doing nothing.

And this is how the performance ended…(see video clip) you can spot Liam as the last man standing.

I couldn’t believe my kid did NOTHING!  Hilarious…I was cracking up the entire time.  But really, it takes some gumption to pull that off.  (I’m trying to look at this positively.)  And at least I know my kid can stand perfectly still for an extended amount of time.

When I asked Liam why he didn’t do the dance with the other kids, he simply responded, “because I didn’t feel like it.”  Brilliant!  The three year old version of “f-this.” 

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Minimalist Approach to Parenting

I wish someone told me the first time around as a parent how little is less with kids.  I suppose it was comforting knowing I had every gadget available for any situation.  And, of course, Liam had to have every baby toy imaginable.  Somehow I must have thought that toy was going to keep him occupied and playing peacefully while I kept house – boy was I wrong! 
                I know better now.  A little tale from the Friedman house happenings the other evening demonstrates this. 
I was giving Liam his nightly bath and left him to play for a few minutes while I changed Marlo.  Mid diaper change, Liam is calling me to look at something.  I go back into the bathroom and find him standing with a poop the size of a football in his hands, saying “Gross Mommy!”  Indeed, gross!  (Although Liam is potty trained, sometimes an occasional tub accident will occur.  I think there is something about the buoyancy and the urge to go that don’t compute.)
I used to allow Liam to have an entire bucket full of bath toys.  A tub accident like this would have been a disaster if the ol’ bucket of toys was in there.  Luckily, I have taken the minimalist approach for tub time.  Liam is allowed two toys.  Check out his current toys – an old nasal aspirator and a purple, porous octopus sand scoop.  

In addition to playing with his two toys, he plays with the wall fish. (Highly recommend for kids' bathrooms!)   He cleans them and talks to them.  It is quite an ordeal to clean them all since the tiles are covered with them.  When bath time is over, there are two toys to put away instead of fifteen, and if an accident occurs in the tub, there are only two toys destroyed!

Something that really surprised me was that he seemed to have just as good of a time in the tub with two toys as he did with an entire bucket full.  The difference – he is challenged to use a bit more of his imagination!  Any other parenting minimalist approaches/ideas out there? Do share!
(Oh, and I am in the midst of redesigning my blog so there might be a few changes to layout!)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Stepping it Up!

My big boy will be three in a month and I think it’s time to step it up a notch! Today, Liam officially began his weekly chore chart.  Liam loves helping and being given responsibility.  And if there is one valuable lesson I learned from teaching, it is to give children jobs so they feel invested in being a contributing member of the classroom (or in Liam’s case – the family).    I downloaded a simple chore chart from and purchased three glass jars to organize his weekly allowance.  Here are the chores that he will be expected to complete: sorting the silverware from the dishwasher sans sharp knives, setting the table, helping in the kitchen (dinner prep), helping with laundry, making his bed (really assisting me in doing this), picking up toys before bed time, taking out the trash (again, assisting me), dusting base boards along floor, and vacuuming the rug in his room.

I chose chores that I knew he’d be successful at and chores that will really help me out.  Some chores, like making his bed and picking up his toys, will be completed daily. Other chores such as vacuuming his rug and dusting will only be done a couple of times per week.  He is given a nickel for each chore he completes and we mark it off on his chore chart with a sticker.  Originally, I had planned on giving him his allowance at the end of the week.  But after he completed his first two chores today, he was so excited to get the money and put it into one of his money jars that I’ve decided to give him his allowance daily.  I think the immediate gratification is needed. Once he’s a bit older then I can hold off on the allowance until the end of the week.

As for his allowance, he has to divide it up among three jars:  SAVINGS, SPENDING, and TZEDAKAH (Hebrew for righteousness, but it is associated with charity and giving).   I love that we are teaching him about managing money at this age! And I think it is important to establish a habit of giving from early on.

So, yesterday Liam and I discussed his chore chart and allowance jars, and this morning Liam completed his first two chores: making his bed and sorting the silverware from the dishwasher.  Drum roll please……it was a success!  Liam LOVED completing his chores, getting his stickers, and putting his money into his jars.  Additionally, Liam only watched TV for 15 minutes this morning. The morning TV thing is something I really struggle with.  Liam wakes up around 6:30 am and doesn’t go to school until 9 am.  Our sprinklers go on in the morning so it is too wet outside to play, and I am always trying to get things organized in the morning – Joe out the door, breakfast made, lunch packed for Liam, etc.  Not to mention I have Marlo who needs to be fed (still at the boob).  I hate plopping him down in front of the TV, but it allows me time to get things done.  I am hoping that with the chore chart Liam will be busier in the morning, watch less TV, and actually help me out a bit.

Look at my cutie sorting silverware!

There are not too many days in which I feel like the super star mom, but today I do! Patting myself on the back!!
Any other moms out there have chore success stories or some helpful tips?  I really want to keep this project going!